Fall 2023 Studio Update

Busy Summer in the Studio!

Four New Songs Released for Fall 2023

Phew! I have been busy all Summer working on four new releases of jazz instrumentals and getting them ready for you, my all-important fans and supporters. The new releases run the gamut, as usual, blending many styles and rhythms. I record with GarageBand on a Mac. This program gives me maximum flexibility and ease to create custom beats from scratch. It also has a huge array of supporting sounds to enhance and jazz structure. Suffice it to say that GarageBand does everything I need it to and I am very comfortable with it as a studio tool.

Now, on to the songs
They are:
Temperature's Rising
Lime Deh'ya
Island Hopping
By Force of Habit

Most of my music has Caribbean island vibes and overtones, with marimbas, vibraphones, congas, bongos and various other noise makers. I like you, the listeners, to feel the rhythm and you definitely can with these three fun-in the-sun toe-tappers.

By Force of Habit, in contrast, is a horn-based, upbeat song - cinematic in tone and color. However, it is still very listenable and would be at home in any jazz collection. It's energetic, uptempo and action-packed. Hold on tight for the thrill ride.

I hope you enjoy my new songs. Please leave comments. I'd love to hear your thoughts.




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